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World Heart Day 2020: All About Heart Diseases, know your symptoms and seek timely treatment

World Heart Day 2020, Heart Screening test Adelaide in Solitaire Medical Group, Heart doctors Adelaide

In the time of COVID-19, taking care of your heart health is more important than ever before. Especially patients with pre-existing heart diseases are at higher risk and need to access proper care and treatment. Many of these patients have missed getting medical help during the lockdown because they are afraid of going to doctors … Read more

Thrive Magazine #1

Front cover and page spread of Thrive Magazine Issue #1 - Health and Wellness Magazine

Welcome to Thrive Magazine! Health and Wellbeing Information for you and your family Every month Thrive will deliver fresh information to guide and inform you on issues and challenges similar for all of us. Such as keeping our immune systems strong, our fitness and mobility healthy, our minds and emotions calm and focussed, and our … Read more

Healthcare is a team venture: Allied health professionals are vital in providing high-quality medical care

Allied Health services provides a complete medical solution along with GPs at Solitaire Medical Group

What is Allied Health? Allied health is a term that describes the broad range of the medical industry that aims to provide technical, diagnostic and therapeutic assistance often working within a multidisciplinary healthcare team. They work across clinics, medical practices, hospitals as well as other care homes and educational institutes.  Some examples of Allied Health: … Read more

June: Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

June is the Bowel Cancer Awareness month, for early cancer detection, Doctors in Adelaide

June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, an initiative to help our community to raise awareness about this type of cancer and how early detection makes Bowel cancer one of the most treatable forms of the disease. The initiative aims to encourage people with symptoms or anyone at risk of being diagnosed to consult doctors and … Read more

We value high-quality patient’s information.

High-Quality patients information now accessible via website

Our medical clinics understand the importance of high-quality patient information and that is why we maintain excellent and up-to-date information for all our visiting patients. We believe it is our responsibility to provide clear, relevant and understandable information on your treatment, your rights, your prescriptions, and your referrals to name a few, and we take … Read more

Maintain Social distancing for you and for the community

Covid-19 Official Social Distancing advice by Australian Government

World Health Organization, WHO recommends everyone to practice social distancing or maintaining physical distance with one another. Social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical intervention to prevent further spread of contagious diseases like the COVID-19.  It is recommended to maintain at least 1.5 meters or two arms distance as part of your social distancing norm with your … Read more

Telephonic consultations now at Solitaire Medical Group

Telehealth consultation provided to customers

We are committed to providing telehealth at all our 4 clinics –  Modbury North Medical Centre  Cross Keys Medical Centre, Bridgeview Family Practice, and Murraylands Medical Centre. Telehealth is available for eligible patients for consultations with our specialists and GPs. Our clinics are committed to extending our ongoing support to the Government’s telehealth initiative along … Read more